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Help Ukrainian Innocent Hearts

The most harmful impact of war is always carried by children. Some children started living their lives without parents and now faced one more terrible side of humanity. CFSW Ukraine tends to save children’s and orphans' smiles and desire to live a happy life.

Certainly all of the children should be evacuated from occupied territories and front lines. Some of them have undergone the hardship of loss, leaving their houses, violence and destruction. Being through such disastrous things requires professional assistance. We provide qualitative support in evacuating, resettlement and the process of adaptation. 

“Childhood must
be joyful and pleasant.”


Why is it essential to help children?


While war destroys every adult’s life and positive attitude towards life, children and orphans can’t get why they are doomed to suffer. These mental states usually cause development of various psychological troubles. From lingering depression, loss of speech to suicidal tendencies.

CSFW Ukraine helps children and orphans to save them and recover from their war experience by:

  • evacuating them from territories affected by military action

  • relocating of orphants houses and boarding schools

  • transporting and providing all the necessary school and daily life equipment

  • supporting during the adaptation process.

Make our move efficient

Our team considers it fundamental to rescue the younger generation who were left without parents or any other support. They should overcome this ghastly time in their life and learn how to live again.

If you see the importance of bringing up a healthy, happy and promising generation, join our effort. You may provide us the information, who need our assistance, share important links of the specialized network, or make a donation. Orphants don’t need much but your attention and being not indifferent.

Why is it so important?
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